Art Deco assignment with gouache, 5x7 (ish)

Illustration Portrait- Gouache 6x7

Miss Angie (I miss that girl).
Here's just a few of the assigments that have been taking over my life the last few weeks. The term is almost over and I can't wait for a moment to catch my breath. It still surprises me how fast the last couple months have gone by. The craziest thing is that I've already noticed improvements in some of my technical drawing skills. I'm already look and seeing things differently. The world is no long just an interpreted reality; but a series of shape, line, tone, and wolume (lots of wolume)...and colour! I have truely fallen in love with colour. Blue and orange are my new favourite colour combinations. Deluxe!! ....alright I'll stop with the kiffisms.
And here's the painting I did for Paint for Peace. There was about 40 artists painting live, then the pieces were sold in a silent auction. All the proceeds went to the building a women's shelter and orphanage in Nigeria. It was so amazing to be surrounded by so many talented artists just painting away! I know it sounds lame, but you could actually feel the creativity energy buzzing in the room. It was a little strange to have people stopping and watching you paint, but after awhile I settled into it and didn't even notice. I'd definitely do it again next time.

Jellyfish! Acrylic on canvas.

Here's another one to show the more of the real colour of the painting...the lighting in the ballroom was horrendous! I couldn't get any good shots, so I just didn't bother taking any other pictures....which is annoying because there was a lot of really talented artists there. Next time I will bring extra money so that I can bid on some of the pieces.